About us

Stargard City

Stargard is the third largest and one of the most economically developing cities in the Westpomeranian Region. It covers an area of 4 810 ha and has approx. 68 thousand square meters. residents. It is situated on the Ina River, 36 km from Szczecin, 180 km from Berlin and 120 km from the ferry terminal in Świnoujście. The city lies on the border of two geographical regions. The Szczecin Lowlands and the Szczecin Lakeland, which has a large impact on the diversity of landscape types in the immediate vicinity.

The 15th meridian of east longitude runs through Stargard, which is the main meridian of the Central European time zone.

Stargard is a city with great tourist and recreational values, interesting due to the high rank of monuments, whose beauty and value, combined with natural natural conditions.

Town Hall in Stargard

Hetmana Stefana Czarnieckiego Street 17
​73-110 Stargard

tel. 91 578 48 81
fax 91 578 48 89

Data for VAT invoices:
Gmina Miasto Stargard
NIP 854-222-88-73
ul. Hetmana Stefana Czarnieckiego 17
73-110 Stargard

REGON: 811685734

Main Building, Mayor’s Office
Het. Stefana Czarnieckiego Street 17
8:00 – 16:00 (Monday-Friday)

Cashier’s Office
Het. Stefana Czarnieckiego Street 17
8:30 – 11:00 and 12:00 – 14:30 (Monday-Friday)

Department of Civil Affairs and Registry Office
Rynek Staromiejski Street 1
8:00 – 16:00  (Monday-Friday)

Bank account:
Gmina-Miasto Stargard
PeKaO SA I O/Stargard
08 1240 3901 1111 0000 4216 5217

The scope of the Town Hall’s activities

1. The Town Hall is an auxiliary apparatus of the President for the performance of the City’s tasks.
2. The scope of the Town Hall’s activity shall include ensuring the conditions for the proper performance of the duties
in the city:
1) own tasks,
2) commissioned tasks,
3) tasks performed on the basis of an agreement with government administration bodies (entrusted tasks),
4) public tasks entrusted to the City by way of an inter-municipal agreement,
5) public tasks entrusted to the City by way of a municipal agreement concluded with the poviat, which have not been entrusted to municipal organizational units, communal unions or transferred to other entities under contracts.
3. The Town Hall operates on the basis of:
1) the act of March 8, 1990 on the commune self-government,
2) the act of 21 November 2008 on local government employees,
3) other specific acts,
4) the Statute of the City of Stargard,
5) Organizational Regulations of the Municipal Office in Stargard.
4. The tasks of the Town Hall include providing assistance to the City authorities in performing their tasks and competences.
5. In particular, the tasks of the Office include:
1) preparation of materials necessary for adopting resolutions, issuing decisions, resolutions and orders
and other acts in the field of public administration and taking other legal actions by the City,
2) performing actual activities falling within the scope of the City’s tasks on the basis of the authorizations granted,
3) ensuring the possibility of receiving, considering and dealing with complaints and applications,
4) implementation of other obligations and rights resulting from legal regulations and resolutions of the City Council and orders of the President of the City,
5) ensuring organizational conditions for holding sessions of the Council, meetings of its committees,
6) keeping a collection of the City’s regulations available for general inspection at the seat of the Office,
7) performance of office work in accordance with applicable law, in particular:
a) receiving, distributing, forwarding and sending correspondence,
b) keeping the internal circulation of files,
c) keeping files,
d) transferring files to the archives,
e) performance of duties and powers serving the Town Hall as an employer – in accordance with the applicable labor law provisions,
6. The Town hall consists of Offices, Departments and independent positions, and the organizational structure and rules of functioning of the Office are defined in the organizational regulations issued by the Mayor by way of an order.